Sunday, April 10, 2011

Painting the Nursery, Part 3

It's been another week and we've made a few more strides forward on the nursery painting, this time finishing off branches and leaves, completing most animals, starting to add a lot more detail, and altogether getting closer to being finished with the project.  As a bit of a sneak preview then of the final product, we went ahead and moved the crib back into place, brought in some of the bedding and stuffed animals, and arranged things close to how they will finally look on that side of the room.  Without further ado, here's the latest batch of pictures, the first of which is a stitched together photo composed from 8 separate photos that shows the nearly completed wall with crib centered between the trees:

Stitched together "panoramic" of the crib and the wall - the crib is centered just right between the trees, our dark green hill in the background fills all the slats in the crib, and you can see the bedding next to the animals now to see how they compare both in color and form

The right-hand tree, now with bears added to the hill in the foreground, and birds, opossum, and bees completed

The left-hand tree, with many animals you've seen before, but with several new birds added and butterflies to balance out the bees; also, additional leaves and branches are now added to fill out the tree compared with the other one

A close-up of the left-hand tree, showing the owl, butterflies, a lady bug, and two little cardinals

A close-up of the right-hand tree, showing the deer with his legs shaded darker, bees and beehive completed, and birds above

The two little bears on the right-hand wall; the photo came out a little washed out for some reason, but the color is pretty close to the bedding; we'll probably start adding in some tufts of grass around the bears and on the hill outline soon

A close-up of the right-hand tree, with owl, squirrel, and more complete birds' nest

A close-up of the right-hand tree with opossum and lady bug...we're still wavering a bit about the look of the opossum, but that's why it's good to step back and re-evaluate as you go along

A close-up of the left-hand tree, with the racoon and birds shown

A close-up of the left-hand tree with owl and cardinals shown

A full-on shot of the crib, with nursery quilt, nursery blanket, crib mattress, and stuffed animals (Bambi and Boyd's Bear with Bee Costume)

We also just got the stroller and car seat set in from Grandma this weekend and thought we'd set it up in the nursery - the colors are well coordinated, and Bambi looks comfy riding around!


A little wider angle of the stroller and crib

The car seat/carrier hood slightly pulled forward while set in the stroller

That's it for nursery pictures this week.  We just hit week 24 last Friday, so we'll put up a separate post in a bit with new baby belly pictures and a statement or two about how violins can soothe a kicking baby...

1 comment:

  1. Hi there! I would love to have you enter your nursery in our nursery pictures contest!

    email me for details

    uniquebabygear at
