Sunday, April 3, 2011

Painting the Nursery, Part 2

So, this weekend the nursery painting continued in full swing, and we made a ton of progress (even though we're still far from finished).  We focused primarily on adding leaves to the trees, but also fleshed out the pond, filled in some sparse areas on the right-hand tree with more branches and leaves (we've still got to do that for the left-hand tree once we've got all of our animals figured out), drew in some new animals, and painted a few that had already been drawn in.  We think it's coming along great, but judge for yourselves with some new photos:

An overall shot of the trees in their current state; the leaves are complete on the right-hand tree and the only gaps left in the branches are filled with animals; we'll be filling out the left-hand tree with the next pass we make

A closer shot of the left-hand tree; the pond is now much more developed, and more paint was added to the fox and squirrel in the tree; most of the leaves that had already been drawn before today were painted, but there's still alot left to fill in

A close-up of the fox and pond; we've now got a lily pad placed beneath the frog, a jumping fish added, reeds and cat-tails around the pond, and the turtle painted

An even closer image of the pond, where you can see the fish drawn in and partially painted

Another image of the pond, with a better view of the turtle - we're going to need to add a bit of outline around him to get him to stand out better from the grass

Another view of the fox and squirrel, now both nearly complete

A close-up of the owl in the left-hand tree; we've now added a lady-bug to one of the nearby extra-large leaves

Here's the raccoon in the left-hand tree, with the beginnings of his body and tail painted in

The squirrel and owl in the right-hand tree, with a bunch of leaves now painted in

The baby deer at the base of the right-hand tree

Above the baby deer, we've now added a beehive and some buzzing bees, as well as three little song birds to add some girly color into the mural

The right-hand tree, with a better overall view of the leaves

A close-up of the beehive and song birds

And a better view of the bees...the bees on the baby quilt are brown and orange, but we thought we've try them as more realistic yellow and maybe brown instead of black...we'll see how it turns out

We also decided today to throw an opossum into the mix...he's not on any of the baby bedding, so this was a freehanded departure we think will be a fun addition

Finally, we added a bird's nest (kind of abstracted) with three baby birds and a mother bird with worm to one of the higher branches in the right-hand tree

That's it for this week!  We will post again if we get a chance to work on it before next weekend comes around - otherwise expect some big changes by this time next week!

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