Monday, July 4, 2011

Baby Bump Photos

As promised, here are some of our favorite baby bump photos from our session last week.  The photographer is Inga Howard, and her photography studio is called Lady Rouge Studios (check out the link:!).  She happens to also be Tamara's hair stylist at the moment, and as you can tell from some of these photos and her website she specializes in sort of an older 40's style pin-up girl/glamour look for the portraits she does.  She did all of the hair and make-up for Tamara herself, and some of the makeup is fairly dark since we told her we were interested in a lot of black and white photography.  She took several hundred shots while she was here - she edited a few of these, and gave us all of the originals on disc as well.  Some of the pictures below have not been edited in any way, so you'll see some background in them that might not otherwise be there in a more finished edited shot.  In any case, we really enjoyed having her here at the house, as it was a much more intimate and casual setting for taking photos.

We hope you enjoy these pictures as much as we enjoyed having them taken:

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