Thursday, June 9, 2011

Sneak Peek

With week 33 officially hitting tomorrow, we had another ultrasound appointment this morning.  There's lots to tell from the visit, along with video and still image scans from the ultrasound print-out, but since it's late we'll just post a sneak preview with a few images.

So, unprompted by us, we got a 4D ultrasound from the tech, who seemed to be enamored with Olivia's cheeks and lips - pretty amazing image huh?

Another shot from the side of the 4D ultrasound

She definitely has the Mooney lips!

Another picture of those lips...the tech described them as "baby doll lips"...very cute!

A profile shot, where you can see her hand, her face, her belly, and her thigh and knee
More to come soon, with hopefully a full post sometime this weekend.  Enjoy in the meantime!

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