Friday, March 4, 2011

It's A Girl!

So, probably if you are reading this blog and clicking on the video links, you've already heard the news, but just in case you haven't...we had another ultrasound appointment yesterday at week 19 (as of today) and finally found out the gender of our baby.  It's a girl!  And yes, there is only one of them in there... 

The following videos were shot during the ultrasound appointment and show some very cool stuff, including the beating of our little girl's heart, her feet and hands, her face, her spine...all very amazing stuff.  And the best part - everything was normal, both with baby and mommy!  Oh, and please forgive my camera skills (or lack thereof)'s a new gadget and we're still getting used to it.  Anyway, now the fun begins - registries, nursery painting, etc. etc.!  And before you ask, no, we haven't decided on a name yet but we've spent a lot of time talking about it...and tomorrow, on our long trek to Austin for Aunt Marcia's wedding I'm sure we'll talk about it even more...

Ultrasound - Part One

Ultrasound - Part Two

Since we had to reduce the quality of the videos to get them uploaded (give us your feedback on image and sound quality because we'll be working out a system to post these from here on out), and just because we had them, we've also included photos from the ultrasound as well.  These are basically still shots from the videos above, except taken from the machine itself and scanned in, so a bit better quality.  Enjoy!

Little hand up by her face

Profile of her face

Profile of her face and torso

Proof that she's a girl! (taken from bottom up, as described in the video)

Little foot...all fingers and toes accounted for!

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