Friday, December 3, 2010

Our First Ultrasound

So, as of today, in case you hadn't yet heard, we are officially 6 weeks' preggers.  Official due date: July 29, 2011.  Depending on which website/app/book you read, the baby is either the size of a sweet pea or a lentil bean, or if it's easier to visualize, about 1/4 inch.  The nose, mouth, ears, eyes, and nostrils are starting to form, and little leg and arm buds are starting to sprout up.  The baby's heart is beating already, pretty fast and only going to get faster as development increases.  Intestines, lungs, pituitary gland, brain, muscles, and bones are all starting to form already - pretty amazing!

Today we had the first ultrasound, and in it little baby Mooney measured just at .26 cm long, or closer to 1/10 of an inch than 1/4 of an inch.  Unfortunately, we did not record anything with video this time, but hearing the heartbeat already and watching it pulse on screen was pretty spectacular.  Here are the photos from the ultrasounds, and we'll be posting more updates soon:

Measuring little baby Mooney; notice the spikes along the line at the base of the image - those are the heartbeats
More measuring of baby Mooney
See the .26 cm in the bottom left corner?
More's hard to make out, but the yolk sac is visible in there as well

1 comment:

  1. Yay for more little Mooneys! We are so happy for you guys!!
